Human BioDiversity and Functional Socialism

In a previous thread, a commenter said that Robert Lindsay is a leftist and shouldn’t be trusted.  Actually, of all leftists, I think Robert Lindsay is one of the more interesting, especially his belief in HBD / race realism.  In a recent post, “Liberal Race Realism – A Brief Definition,” Lindsay writes that he believes in race realism but is also a committed leftist.  Elsewhere, he has said that he supports socialism.

I don’t find this to be problematic. As those in the Dark Enlightenment know, economics is a subset of HBD.  An economic system cannot make a dysfunctional group of people functional, but functional groups of people can probably make most economic systems work.

So, when does socialism work?

The prerequisites for functional socialism are:  racial homogeneity, small country, high social trust, a minimum IQ, etc.

For socialism to function, you must have high levels of altruism, and people are hardwired to show more altruism toward co-ethnics than toward people of other races.  Thus, racial homogeneity is a necessary (not a sufficient) condition for functional socialism.

However, you also need a high level of social trust.  People must believe that there are not many cheaters.  And if a country is smaller, people will feel more trustful and generally be more altruistic.  And a country must have a minimum average IQ to make any system work.

Haiti might have racial homogeneity, but it lacks social trust and IQ, and every form of government has been a failure in Haiti.

Pre-immigration Scandinavia and Japan meet all these criteria.  For instance, pre-immigration (homogenous) Sweden had one of the best functioning socialist systems the world has seen.

So, yes, I think that socialism can work, if certain criteria are met.   But, as I note in the post on distributist economics, under any system you must still have selection pressure so that it doesn’t become dysgenic.


Riots in Sweden are about race, not religion

22 thoughts on “Human BioDiversity and Functional Socialism

  1. Pingback: Riots in Sweden are about race, not religion | Occam's Razor

  2. I am not sure that homogeneity is a necessary component. If Sweden had let in large numbers of Chinese and Vietnamese immigrants instead of Africans and Middle Easterners, it would probably be more worried about the immigrants’ descendants taking over the reigns of power in the country, rather than trying to control underclass riots in the suburbs.

  3. With a quality population and good leadership, any system will work. Without these, nothing works.

    WRT Haiti, I read someplace while it was always bad, it was the Duvaliers that really pushed it over the edge. Before Haiti had some kind of mulatto elite running things, then Papa Doc represented some kind of a populist pure-African takeover. The elite only has to be relatively smart and have some kind of far-sighted benevolence.

  4. In fairness, I simply stated that I myself don’t trust or care about what Lindsay says, and my main issue is his understanding of male/female dynamics (i.e. he doesn’t understand them). I wasn’t saying that others should adopt my views on this on trust (not that thats what you’re saying here either).

    On economic systems, I find that leftists in general have a childish understanding of the world, so its simply a waste of time engaging them on this (though it can be useful if you’re debating to win the crowd with your arguments of course).

    On the point of economic systems, I think the austrians (and their orthodox forebears who put their faith in true laissez faire capitalism) have it right. Whilst your post is correct in a sense, i.e. in the right societies socialism will not necessarily cause active harm (as it does in our modern multicultural societies, where takers feel no real kinship to providers), the true problem is that socialism destroys the entrepreneurial mindset and thereby stagnates progress (and consequently advances in technology and wealth creation).

  5. “(homogenous) Sweden had one of the best functioning socialist systems the world has seen”: I’m afraid that is complete tosh. It had an extensive welfare state but the key bit of socialism, ownership or direction of industry by the government, was notably absent. On that measure it was far less socialist than Britain or France. In fact, it was probably less socialist than the present-day USA.

  6. The supposed wonderfulness of (pre-immigration) Sweden resembled the supposed wonderfulness of Cuba. Swedes had, and have, little idea what is going on in the outside world, and even less idea what was going on in Sweden. Sweden had, and has, tight control over the flow of information.

    I was checking Swedish news about the riots using google translate. It seems that large numbers of cars are catching fire for completely unknown and mysterious reasons. Reading the news, one might think spontaneous combustion, or perhaps some electrical fault.

  7. In pre immigration sweden most white males cannot afford a family, and have been so severely emasculated by the state that most girls much prefer Muslim males, despite the fact, or more likely because of the fact, that Muslim males, reasonably enough, treat them as the worthless whore trash that they are, with the result that the majority of children are fatherless, and a startlingly large proportion of those children are half caste, how large a proportion is a tightly guarded state secret, much as in the US the proportion of mortgage defaults that resulted from loans to mestizos and blacks is a tightly guarded state secret. (In the bay area, the proportion of defaults that resulted from loans to mestizos and blacks near the height of the bubble was over 99%)

    • Yes, but the white fatherless males from neighbourhoods full of Muslims could seduce Middle-Class girls and impregnate them (easy to do as they are more alpha than the MC wussies), and shift the problem upwards.
      Also, do these girls understand the Muslims are protected by the state, and more importantly, the Antifa? So why not take an Antifa boyfriend? The same holds even for Muslim girls. Why aren’t Antifa-activists entitled to Muslim girlfriends? After all, they enable the alpha of the Muslim boys, so they should be apex alpha.

      • Why aren’t Antifa-activists entitled to Muslim girlfriends? After all, they enable the alpha of the Muslim boys, so they should be apex alpha.

        Previous to dominion of leftism with its overclass/underclass alliance, middle class people physically dominated lower class people, and upper class people physically dominated middle class people. Personal violence was allowed, but the higher your class, the more friends and connections you could call in if you lost. Further, the higher your class, the better armed you probably were, and the better trained in physical violence you probably were.

        This has been reversed, as the police just don’t particularly want to bust members of the underclass – it is dangerous and there is no profit in it, and the consequences of coming to police attention are far more damaging the higher your class.

        This leads to phenomenon of the ruling underclass – that the underclass have privileges that were historically associated with the aristocracy and high status. These privileges cause girls to feel an exciting tingly sensation in their vagina.

        See Mencius Moldbug “A theory of the ruling underclass

  8. “So, when does socialism work?

    The prerequisites for functional socialism are: racial homogeneity, small country, high social trust, a minimum IQ, etc.”

    The problem with this view is that socialism isn’t an economic system but a vote buying machine.

    Why would anyone who gains controls over the levers of infinite money and power give that power away? The only reason to do so is to keep that money and power. Socialists create a giant machine that controls all the money and power in a society but they’re locked in to giving away at least some of that money and power as the price for taking it.

    The problem is that it becomes very expensive to buy off the people who would make the best citizens of a socialist state – they’re stable, they’re cooperative and peaceful, etc. Such people could make their own way in life and so are very expensive to buy off. Worse yet, their children can easily end up out competing yours for control of the distribution machine!

    We all know the solution to this problem – import cheaper clients. Unfortunately the cheaper clients are exactly the people who can’t keep a socialist society running.

  9. > The prerequisites for functional socialism are: racial homogeneity, small country, high social trust, a minimum IQ, etc.

    Have you ever been to eastern Europe? Average IQ hovers above 100, all white faces, people closely related to each other, even across borders, communism still didn’t work.

    It’s The Law of Sewage: “A drop of wine in a barrel of sewage makes sewage; a drop of sewage in a barrel of wine makes sewage.” An economic system cannot make a dysfunctional group of people functional but it can make a functional group of people act dysfunctionally.

  10. The prerequisites for functional socialism are: racial homogeneity, small country, high social trust, a minimum IQ, etc.

    This is exactly the same as I’ve been thinking about functional libertarianism, that you would need a low degree of diversity for it to work.

  11. Pingback: Apex alpha enabling alpha | oogenhand

  12. Reality – postmodernism and other such pseudo-intellectual social engineering dreck exists only in the minds of ivy league social “science” majors. In the real world, people resent differences – even in a family.

    In the real world – favored daughter quits college, gets tattoos, becomes a Wiccan….parents throw her out. If people won’t tolerate “diversity” from family, why should they from people they don’t even know?

    The US was never a melting pot – it is a mosaic. When a mosaic is seen from a distance it looks like a single picture – up close you see the pieces never touch, they are all separated by borders of grout.

    Even the grandest of illusions are all exposed – eventually.

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