A challenge to open-borders advocates @Bryan_Caplan and @AlexNowrasteh

Here’s a challenge to open-borders advocates Bryan Caplan and  Alex Nowrasteh.  While Caplan & Nowrasteh seem thrilled at the idea of flooding white / Western countries with the Third World, they are rather silent on Israel’s immigration policies, such as:

– Israelis sterilizing African immigrants

– Israelis deporting unwanted Africans to Africa

– Israelis deporting unwanted Africans to Sweden

– Israelis advocating ethno-biopolitics at expense of African immigrants

– Israelis wanting to protect Jewish wages and standard of living by opposing African immigration

– Billionaire lobbyists like Sheldon Adelson supporting tough immigration laws for Israel, while supporting open-borders for USA

Not that I personally oppose  Israel wanting to restrict immigration from Africa; it’s quite sensible.  But if Caplan & Nowrasteh are truly for mass immigration in general (and not harboring some animus against white gentile countries), shouldn’t they be for mass immigration for Israel too?  Shouldn’t they be opposed to the above?

But Caplan & Nowrasteh are largely silent on this issue. So, here’s my challenge:

I’d like for Caplan & Nowrasteh  to write a series of articles condemning Israel for restricting immigration and demanding that Israel open its borders to the millions of Africans who want to immigrate there.

What I’m advocating is a Fairness Doctrine:  For every article or blog post that Caplan & Nowrasteh write demanding that white gentile countries be flooded with the Third World, they should write another article demanding the same for Israel.  And I don’t want lackadaisical articles; I want impassioned pleas, some real heavy-handed lobbying, demanding that Israel open its borders to the millions of Africans who want to immigrate there.

Will Caplan & Nowrasteh accommodate, or do their views of “open borders” only apply to white gentile countries?

We’ll see….


The Laws of the Cathedral

Primer on Human Biodiversity & Immigration

Who Supports Open Borders? Summary of Open-Borders Elite in USA

22 thoughts on “A challenge to open-borders advocates @Bryan_Caplan and @AlexNowrasteh

  1. And if they decline to accept the challenge? Which they will consider risible?

    There were once consequences of accepting or declining challenges, this is the age of no consequences and great consequence flows from it.

  2. Israel is the Left’s ultimate Unprincipled Exception.

    Leftist judeophiles get to make arguments which single out Israel as deserving of ethno-state status in order to protect the Jews from hostile Whites and Holocaust II: Electric Bugaloo.

    Leftist judeophobes get to direct all of their hatred at Israel and hide behind the “only politics, nothing personal about Jews” lie.

    The challenge won’t be answered, of course, and the usual excuses as to why will be given. We’re rapidly moving past the point of reasoned dialogue resolving immigration; the tribalism is too strong. The risk of blowback from other Jews alone is enough to ensure the only response will be “endangered people, enemies on all sides, small country, not enough space, no such thing as White anyway” blahblahblah…

  3. Pingback: A challenge to open-borders advocates Bryan Caplan & Alex Nowrasteh | Reaction Times

  4. Oh come on. Plenty of countries besides Israel have selective, restrictive, and expulsive immigration policies, and Caplan et al have made no secret that they believe their principles are Universalist Human Rights in the Libertarian / Natural Law tradition and thus apply to every country, all the time, including Israel. You could just as easily put Japanese or Finnish examples in your challenge, but no, it’s only Israel.

    Yes, I get it that you’re accusing them of having Jewish ethno-religious solidarity with the Israelis that gives rise to a cynical double-standard. You’re wrong – they’re genuinely true believers in the open-borders stuff, wish Israel would change its policy too, and lumping Adelson in with them – who doesn’t share their ideology at all – is absurd.

    • The point is that nearly all Caplan & Nowrasteh’s focus is on Western countries, when Israel is much more egregious. If they truly are universalists in their support of open borders, they should really be criticizing what Israel has been doing this past couple years….but they’re not.

      I nowhere compared Caplan & Nowrasteh with Adelson, but mention Adelson because he’s now the biggest donor in American politics — and supports tough immigration laws for Israel but open borders for USA. Given Adelson’s immense weight in American politics, esp. GOP politics, I would hope that Caplan & Nowrasteh, alleged open-borders universalsts, would criticize this double standard…

  5. Pingback: Adolf Hitler Returns (Animated Version) | ELLIOT LAKE News

  6. Like Solzhenitsyn said, do no fear them, do not believe them, and do not ask them for anything. We are dealing with satanic demons here, the foulest sickness in the world.

  7. By far the most acrimonious of the debates has been that over the role of genetics in IQ differences, which led to Eysenck being punched on the nose by a female protestor during a talk at the London School of Economics,[14] as well as bomb threats, and threats to kill his young children.[15] This opposition came when he supported Arthur Jensen’s questioning of whether variation in IQ between racial groups was entirely environmental.


  8. I have never seen Bryan Caplan say anything about Israel, much anything favorable or sympathetic. In case you haven’t noticed, ideologically oriented leftist and libertarian American Jews tend to be rather hostile to Israel and the concept of Zionism, as are many leftwing Israeli Jews. My impression is that the left in Israel (as well as big business there) opposes the current LIkud government’s policy to get rid of the unwanted African migrants.

    Why paleocons and HBD types never notice how unpopular Israel is with the Western Left, including leftwing Jews, is a mystery.

  9. “I have never seen Bryan Caplan say anything about Israel

    Why paleocons and HBD types never notice how unpopular Israel is with the Western Left, including leftwing Jews, is a mystery.”

    Yeah, a mystery.

  10. Pingback: Are Jews natural race realists? | Occam's Razor

  11. Pingback: The Final Solution to Europe's Immigration Problem Is To Not Be An Idiot - Freedom's Floodgates

  12. Pingback: The Final Solution To Europe's Immigration Problem Is To Not Be An Idiot – The Right Stuff Blog

  13. Pingback: Adolf Hitler Returns (Animated Version) – ELLIOT LAKE News

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