Extreme Anti-White Tweets from #BlackLivesMatter Movement

For those in the know about human biodiversity, it comes as no surprise that multi-racial states lead to societal decay.  As Robert Putnam has demonstrated, the more racially diverse a neighborhood or organization is, the lower the social trust.  (For a more expanded reading list on this theme, see here.)

Add blacks into the equation (who have low average IQs and low impulse control), the situation becomes even worse.  Blacks have been told their entire lives that all their failures are due to some mysterious white magic called white racism, so now they angrily attribute all their failings to this magic.  The #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) movement illustrates this truth.

People on Twitter have been taking screen shots of various BLM activists, which run the usual litany of anti-white hatred.  Here they are:

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Is The American Conservative Going Out of Business?

Well, not just quite yet, but I suspect that it will within a couple years.   The magazine has become a politically correct bore.

TAC started as an exciting venture, headed by Pat Buchanan, Taki Theodoracopulos, and Scott McConnell.  But by 2007, both Buchanan and Taki were gone (although TAC still runs Buchanan’s syndicated columns), and TAC slid ever more toward becoming a mouthpiece for the Cathedral.  Ron Unz took over around 2007.  And while Unz did publish some flawed pieces (most notably on Hispanic crime and race and IQ), he did publish some winners, such as on Jewish affirmative action at elite colleges  and Chinese eugenics.  Unfortunately, TAC wouldn’t publish Unz’s most recent piece on black crime, which led to the board firing him as publisher and replacing him with Jon Utley.

Apparently, the editor at TAC said everyone already knows about black crime, so nothing needs to be said.  Greg Cochran begs to differ.   What a joke TAC has become.

Who is Jon Basil Utley?  I don’t know much about him, but allegedly he wants to make TAC more like an anti-interventionist National Review.  And, like many neocons, he is of a Russian Ashkenazi background.    While Utley is allegedly an anti-interventionist (or perhaps a more moderate liberal internationalist?) and even critical of the Israel lobby, he seems quite politically correct.  For instance, while he’s correct to criticize Christian Zionist fundamentalists for promoting war in the Middle East, he criticizes them for being against mass Third World immigration into Western countries. (Huh? I guess they should welcome their genetic replacement?)  Or Mitt Romney’s mild criticism of illegal immigration during the Republican primary Utley calls a “tremendous calumny against immigrants.” In other words, it’s wrong for Westerners to question their own extinction.  Under Utley, can we expect TAC even more vigorously to parrot the Cultural Marxist open-borders propaganda?

A friend with ties to TAC tells me that TAC is really strapped for cash and might not be around much longer; allegedly, none of their traditional donors wants to give them more money.  Geez, I wonder why?


Handle:  “Unz Undone” & “Unz Update

Black Hollywood Actors Educate Us on Evil America

Black Hollywood Actors Educate Us on Evil America

Guest Author:  Christopher Graham

There is an interview at Parade.com with Oprah Winfrey and Forest Whitaker, who are costars in The Butler, an upcoming movie directed by Lee Daniels (also interviewed and also black).

The Butler seems to be another of Hollywood’s attempts to get black people to keep bemoaning “white culture” as it examines life in the White (!) House through the benevolent and undoubtedly wise eyes of the titular black butler who served under eight of America’s presidents, all of whom were terribly white. It is an effort to shame white people for having the audacity to move on and progress beyond the middle of the last century. I guess America doesn’t hear enough of what black people think about these issues. Continue reading

Blacks on twitter threaten random violence

In light of the Zimmerman verdict, as predicted, blacks as of this hour are not only rioting in at least five cities, but are behaving quite badly on Twitter.  They’re promising to loot, rape, burn and and even kill people.  And nevermind that Zimmerman isn’t even white (but mestizo), blacks are threatening violence against whites too!  Gotta love diversity!

Here is but a small sample of things that were re-tweeted on Twitter over the past 30 minutes:

[N.B.  You might want to skip to the updates at the end of this post.]

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The Laws of the Cathedral. Obey or Perish!

The Laws of the Cathedral

“Those who do not heed these laws should be cast out of society and hunted down like  witches.” – The lost scroll of Universalis, 1974 CE

In the days of New, the god Universalis descended upon the world.  It (for Universalis transcends gender, race, and creed) saw human nature, saw human nature was evil, and decided to set things anew.  Universalis forthright sought to amend human nature, to turn the world upon its head, and thus laid down the Laws of the Cathedral.  “Lo and behold,” said Universalis.  “These are the laws.  I am the lawgiver.  Obey these decrees or suffer humiliation, disgrace and punishment.”

I.  Human Nature, Science, Evolution

A.  Human nature is a blank slate to be written upon by the Laws of the Cathedral.

B.  Evolution exists but only insofar as it is a club to beat up on religion.  Otherwise, the logical conclusions of evolution (such as meaningful racial or gender differences) must be silenced.  All group differences must be ignored.  No cognitive or behavioral differences between groups exist; evolution occurred only from the neck down.

C.  Homosexuality has a genetic cause but only homosexuality is heritable.  Everything else (like violence, intelligence or stupidity) is the result of culture.

D.  Race does not exist…except when it does.  For non-whites, racial pride, racial resentment, racial organization and the excuse of racism for all their failings are permissible.  For whites, race does not exist; it is a cultural construct.  Behaviorally and cognitively, all races are identical.  Remember the decree:  neck down!

E.  Gender does not exist in any meaningful way.  There are no substantial differences between the genders because, well, they don’t really exist…except when they do.  Feminism is permissible, but that’s it. Behaviorally, genders are identical.  Remember the decree:  neck down!

II.  Politics and Political Organization

A.  Democracy and only democracy is acceptable — and it must be based upon an American model replete with fast food, regime change, and globalization.

B.  Real power must never be discussed, especially the disproportionate power of one small, particularly powerful group of genetically related people.  In fact, these people shouldn’t even be discussed, let alone named, so let it be decreed that they be called the Unnamed.

C.  Immigration is bad for certain nations (like a small enclave in located at the eastern end of the Mediterranean but should never be named in this context, and the people of this unnamed nation, Universalis decrees, are permitted to sterilize and deport undesirables).  For Western nations, however, immigration is a gift of Universalis.  To question its good is to partake of evil itself. Open your borders to the teeming hordes of Gondwanaland or suffer the wrath of Universalis!

D.  Europe and Western Civilization in general, and white people in particular, are responsible for most of the world’s ills and should almost always be discussed in derogatory terms.  The racial organization of these people is never, never, never allowed. Capiche?

E.  War is bad, well, unless it’s used to crush dissenters who in some way oppose the Laws of the Cathedral; then, war is liberation.  People are thirsty for freedom and some people hate the Cathedral for the freedom it offers.

D.  Progress is good, unless it involves evil concepts like eugenics or the notion that some races are better adapted to civilization, then the Noble Savage is good.

F.  All mass media and entertainment should present images contrary to reality. Human nature is evil; the dictates of the Cathedral, good.

III.  Religion

A.  Ethno-Religion, i.e. identitarian religion, is permissible for certain groups of people, but never for European descended peoples, who must always subscribe to deracinating, universalist forms of religion.

B. Religion is generally bad, unless it’s the religion of non-Europeans, or unless religious leaders are fighting for the Cathedral (such as in supporting immigration or opposing racism).

So let these laws be decreed, let them be obeyed.  And let those who disobey them be hunted down like witches, ruined financially, and humiliated beyond measure.

Long live Universalis! So it has been spoken.  Let the world listen.


This is a rough draft and work in progress.  It is also a group project, which potentially includes you.  Let the spirit of Universalis inhabit you and please leave suggestions in comments below (to improve upon current laws or to add new laws) and your suggestions might be added to the next edition of the Laws of the Cathedral.


What is the New Creationism?


Primer on Immigration and Human BioDiversity

Our recent poll, “Should all Third World immigrants be deported from the West?,” has gained much attention but also highlights that there’s much confusion on what is central in discussing immigration into the West.  I thus offer this brief primer on immigration and human biodiversity.

Here are some key things to consider when discussing immigration.

Economics:  As Harvard economist George Borjas has shown, Third World immigration is driving down wages and lowering the standard of living both in Europe and the USA.  Third World immigrants also, since they use more in social services than they pay in taxesdrain the social services of Western countries.

Conservationism/ Infrastructure: More people in the West (through immigration) will put greater pressure on Western infrastructures and lead to environmental degradation.  (Do you want the West to look like this?)

IQ:  Outside Northeast Asia (China, Japan and South Korea), the rest of the world has considerably lower average IQs than European-descended countries.  As Helmuth Nyborg outlines in “The decay of Western civilization: Double relaxed Darwinian Selection,” allowing these people to immigrate to the West will prove dysgenic.

Crime and Corruption: Outside European-descended people and Northeast Asia, there might well be higher genetic tendencies toward violent crime. Also, outside European-descended countries (and isolated other places, like Japan), the rest of the world seems to consist of  low-trust countries, which results in more corruption, both in those countries and among those who immigrate to the West.  Bringing these problems into the West only makes the West more Third World.

Ethnic Genetic Interests:  As popularized by Frank Salter in “Estimating Ethnic Genetic Interests: Is It Adaptive to Resist Replacement Migration?” and “Misunderstandings of Kin Selection and the Delay in Quantifying Ethnic Kinship” (using ethnic genetic distances first outlined by Cavalli-Sforza), Ethnic Genetic Interests (EGI) shows that human populations are not fungible and that mass immigration could lead to the genetic extinction of certain groups of people.  It’s thus imperative for groups to maintain largely homogenous areas to further their genetic continuity.

There you have it.  Here are big four issues relating to immigration and, other than economics, they’re rarely discussed in the media.


Who Supports Open Borders? Summary of Open-Borders Elite in USA


While IQ certainly is important, John Derbyshire doubts that the West needs to import any more high IQ people.

The French philosopher Alain de Benoist has offered the term “ethno-pluralism“: “a view stressing the ‘right of difference’ which asserts that each ethnic / racial group has the right to its own lands over which it can exercise complete sovereignty. This view envisions the world as a mosaic with a multiplicity of diverse races clearly delimited and with strict boundaries between them.”

Regarding IQ, here’s a roundup on the recent Richwine controversy where Richwine argued the US should not import low IQ immigrants.

Ted Sallis argues that ethnic genetic interests should be the primary concern when debating immigration.

Richard Spencer on the prospect of allowing white South Africans to immigrate to Western countries.



Riots in Sweden are about race, not religion

Yes, this is a strong title.

Yes, on a basic level, the riots are about religion.  Many  of the Third World immigrants who are burning and looting Stockholm are Muslim.  And, yes, despite what our elites say, Islam is not a religion of peace.

Nonetheless, there is much more going on than mere religion.

Most Westerners tend to think of religion in universalist terms, since Western Christianity for the past few centuries has become an ideological, universalist religion.  But this is not the historical norm.  Throughout almost all of human history, ethno-religion has been the norm, as ethno-religion provides one of the most powerful group identities. (Just ask the Ashkenazis.) Even early European Christianity was an ethno-religion.

Many culturalist critics of Islam (such as the EDL) seem to think that racial groups are fungible and that somehow Islam has descended from the stratosphere making otherwise peaceful Middle Easterners, Africans and South Asians violent.

What these people fail to realize is how much HBD and religion are intertwined.  Islam didn’t descend from the stratosphere; certain groups of people created this violent religion and certain groups of people are drawn toward it.

We know now that much of violent behavior is genetic, so, even if these people cease to be Muslim, they will continue to be violent.

As we saw in the Paris riots in 2005, many of the North African rioters were secular.  Many wore American “gangsta” style clothing (e.g. NY Yankees caps turned sideways) and many were flashing American gang signs at the cameras.  After an expensive investigation into the cause of the 2005 riots, French authorities could not determine the cause.  It seemed that Africans just wanted “to tear shit up.”

Obviously, we don’t want the West to become Muslim, but there’s a much deeper problem here:  If you import the Third World to the West (regardless of their religion), the West will become the Third World.

All these people should be deported.


Ed Rubenstein: “Lesson From 1965: More Third World Immigrants = More Violent Crime

Fjordman: “Immigrant Rape Wave in Sweden” and “Sweden Tops European Rape League — But Why?

Rushton: “Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?”

Salter: “Estimating Ethnic Genetic Interests: Is It Adaptive to Resist Replacement Migration?


Why white girls were groomed by South Asians for prostitution ring

Human BioDiversity and Functional Socialism

Ted Sallis:  “What the Immigration Debate Really Should Be About

Primer on Immigration and Human BioDiversity

Mindweapon:  “They are fighting back in Sweden

Political correctness lead to mass murder?

It has come out that Nkosi Thandiwe, a black man who went on a killing spree in 2011, was motivated by hatred of white people. He seems especially to have been influenced by anti-white cultural anthropology courses.  The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports:

“During his testimony Wednesday, Thandiwe suggested that his reason for even purchasing the gun he used in the shootings was to enforce beliefs he’d developed about white people during his later years as an anthropology major at the University of West Georgia.”

“I was trying to prove a point that Europeans had colonized the world, and as a result of that, we see a lot of evil today,” he said. “In terms of slavery, it was something that needed to be answered for. I was trying to spread the message of making white people mend.”

Will there be a national conversation about this tragedy?  Will Eric Holder call for another “conversation about race”?